School Management System
SMS is a revolutionary management system introduced to simplify complex daily school operations. System effectively manages processes and operations related to teachers, students and courses.
SMS allows separate ID for each and every student of the school and allows them to access information directly as it maintains separate page of each student of the school. At one click of the button it provides personnel details ,mailing address last fee payment details, attendance details of each student.
Apart from student demographic information it provides information of detailed courses and period ,student grade books, progress report, report card, attendance information, exam management and constant and comprehensive evaluation of student performance
SMS provides a user friendly interface which allows login access to teachers, nonteaching staff,students parents and management personnel of schools.
SMS can incorporate, can be customised for individual school requirements. Once installed; the managemennt, faculty ,students parents can use it for their individual requirements without any help from us.
At the same time guidence and any other support services required will be provided.
Control over the system through general settings like enabling grading system as per school requirements, automatic unique ID for all the users, Managing courses and classes, Managing subjects, School Setup, Homework Manager, Roll Number Master, Exam Hall Ticket Generation, Online Result & Marksheet with digital Signature & custom Headers, Manage Continuous and Comprehensive Exam Records (CCE), Home Page Manager, meta keywords manager for SEO, School Time Table, Exam Time Table, e-Learning Management, Study material management, News & Gallery Management, Course & Syllabus Management, Create & manage additional pages for website, manage navigation, Site menu/sub menu manager, Image Bank to use these images on any page of the site, Holiday/Vacation setting, Close/Create Academic session, monitor user/system log, hit counter monitor, Strong multiple search option, Export, Download, Print option on each page